Prime Electrics

Introduce an international electrical contracting heavyweight, defining relationships through experiences.

Prime is a family owned electrical and communications company with over 30 years of rich history in Australia. Highly experienced in providing end-to-end solutions in a diverse range of industries, matched by a 300 strong workforce and a penchant for quality, Prime is at an exciting stage and is ready take the next step in their growth journey.

Strategy, Wireframes, UX Design, UI Design, Web Development, Responsive Design, Content Management System (CMS)

The Challenge

Prime Electrics is wanting to expand into the New Zealand market and will need to position themselves as a more leading and globally connected company as well as finding a way to sell their point of difference and capabilities. 


The Solution

Demonstrate the value and great outcomes that working with Prime can offer to potential clients.

Show the brand as a leader of electrical contracting by leveraging it’s core pillars of professionalism, capability and quality.

Providing a memorable experience for potential partnerships that will leave them feeling secure and confident that Prime can do the job a cut above the rest.


The Result

The outcome was a unique and highly bespoke digital experience, that elevates the brand to new heights and helps potential clients differentiate the brand from competitors with the introduction of animated and interactive elements. Projects were also made more engaging for the user with the use of rich media and storytelling, which helps partnerships understand the story behind each project.

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Let's create something beautiful
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