St Leonard's College

Bringing the emotional connection made during in-person tours into a digital choose-your-own-adventure video experience.

St Leonard’s College wanted their brand brought to the forefront showcasing student stories in order to form an emotional connection between prospective families and existing students and staff.
It was proposed to allow students from each curriculum group to guide prospective families through the website based on what’s important to them. This approach created a true student-led tour of the school built from the ground up completely delivered within the college’s website.

Strategy, Creative development, UI design, Information architecture, Interaction design

In-person tours at St Leonard’s College are led by students, providing a really authentic insight into the school. We wanted to capture that essence and bring it into a digital execution on the website.

We created a student-led video tour of the college, allowing visitors to ‘choose their own adventure’ through a series of video questions. At the end of the journey bespoke content is shown to the visitor based on the choices made throughout the video journey.

The college created a huge body of video questions and answers, it was a monumental undertaking, producing an expansive library of unique videos.

The final execution provided a unique insight for viewers into the college led by the students themselves. Prospective students could get a real taste of the school before even setting foot on the campus—likewise parents could easily imagine their students at the school interacting with the kids in the videos.

On top of the bespoke video journey we also created a distinct and scalable design system for the website.

The system was focused on providing flexibility for admins to easily update and add content throughout the website without sacrificing visual appeal.

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