6 signs it’s time for a website redesign

Web Development, Web Design
branding, roi, Technology, website development
12 July 2019

What do the highest converting websites have in common? A great design, amongst other things. If you’ve been thinking about a redesign but you’re wary of making any changes (hey, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it – right?), you’re not alone.

It can be difficult to redesign a website that will cater to new visitors without hurting the experience of current visitors. This is why it’s essential you enlist the help of a professional team who will use the latest technology and web design trends to create a converting website for you. So, how do you know if it’s time for a website redesign? These 6 signs should be a giveaway…


1. You have an outdated website


Comic Sans font? Scrolling marquees? Hit counters? Yep, if you’ve been around since dial-up internet in the late ‘90s, then you’ll know what we’re talking about here. And, if your website still has these features, then it’s definitely time to update.


The internet has changed a lot since then, with new web design trends being favoured such as the abundant use of white space, original illustrations, hamburger menus, floating navigation, bold colours, and unique fonts. If you haven’t incorporated any or some of these trends into your design, then it’s time to get started.


2. You aren’t receiving sufficient leads or generating a positive ROI


If your website is receiving traffic but no conversions, or you are experiencing a high bounce rate (the volume of visitors who leave your site after viewing just one page), then you might need a new website.


There’s a few reasons why your visitors might be turning away after spending such a short time on your site: your layout may be confusing, your navigation may be complicated, or your design is just plain ineffective.


By designing a more effective site, you may find your visitors will stick around for longer and find what they’re looking for, which in turn will generate a positive return on investment for you.


3. Your branding has changed


Re-branding is more than just updating your site with a fancy logo or a fresh colour palette: it’s also about how you convey your message and core values. If your website isn’t instantly telling your visitors what your business does and what makes you different to your competitors, then it’s a good indication that you need to refresh your site so that it does.


4. You want to keep up with new trends and technology


Technology is forever changing, and while there’s no hard and fast rules when it comes to how often you should redesign your website, if you’re feeling left behind, it could be time for an upgrade.


Here’s the three most important tech advances in recent years:


Chatbots: In addition to having a FAQ page, it’s a good idea to incorporate artificial intelligence software in your site. Give your visitors a chance to reach out to you by providing a chatbot that can have a conversation and answer any questions they may have about your product or service, at any time of day or night.


Integrating social media feeds: “What’s your Instagram handle?” is the millennial equivalent to, “Do you have a business card?” so it goes without saying that if your website doesn’t have buttons that link to your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account, you could be losing your chance at showing your visitors how good you look on social media.


Having a responsive interface: With more and more users browsing the internet via mobile and tablets, it’s now more important than ever to ensure that your business is responsive, no matter what device is being used.


5. You don’t stand out against your competitors


While you should never follow the crowd ‘just because,’ if you find that your top competitors have had a recent website relaunch, then it might be time for you to have one as well. A newer design also discreetly sends the message across to your visitors and current customers that you are keen to keep up with trends.


6. Your website needs to align with your new business objectives


If your company or team has expanded into a larger corporation but your website still reflects that of a small business, then a website redesign can accommodate for this growth. Or, maybe your services have changed and your website still features/focuses on old offers.


Spread the news about your website redesign


Don’t forget that once your website has had a redesign, it’s a great idea to share the new changes with your loyal visitors and potential clients. Consider writing a blog post or creating a video that gives a little backstory about why you needed to make these changes, what’s new and improved, and how the redesign is better for everyone.


It’s worth pointing out that after any website redesign, traffic may drop. While this is completely natural, the good news is you can make up for it by improving engagement with a great website design.


Do you have an outdated website? Let the digital designers and developers at JTB Studios bring you forward to 2019 and beyond – we know all about the latest web design trends and can implement them to help your business grow. Contact us today.


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