A Guide to Designing Ecommerce Websites

Front End Development, News & Info, Trends, Web Design, Web Development
Designing, Designing Websites, Ecommerce, Ecommerce Websites, Guide, Websites
7 August 2014

Even with quality products, an ecommerce store can witness a decrease in sales as the result of a poor website design. Online stores are different than brick and mortar stores but they are similar in that an online atmosphere is essential to boost sales and reputation.


The below guidelines are based on real ecommerce eye tracking data supplemented with user studies.


Calls to Actions must be bold, noticeable and placed correctly

The most vital thing you want clientele to do while on your ecommerce website is purchase something.  The most significant call to action is your “Add to Cart” and “Buy Now” buttons – treat them with special attention.  It is best to grab the user’s attention by using unique buttons and graphics that attracts the user to click.

We know what they say, content is king

Your product descriptions must be explanatory and persuasive. When consumers shops online, they are not able to touch and investigate a product as they will in a brick and mortar shop.  Take the additional step to present ideas concerning how the product may be used and, if essential, describe several of the sensory fundamentals that could not be represented by viewing the product picture alone.

Online shoppers prefer product descriptions to be in bullets for quick scanning rather than wordy, long paragraphs.

They also prefer to have all details revealed on a single webpage rather than having to tick or use tabs for added info about a product.  Minimal clicking and navigating to stumble upon the purchase page is the key to converting sales.


Professional product photos are a must and tools for enlarging, panning and zooming are important as well. Displaying multiple angles and views of a product better lets the consumer understand the product and its features.


Visitors are likely to stay longer on pages that are fresh and organised.

Pages that are too hectic and crowded do not present well.  Many shoppers turn out to be overwhelmed and leave the website.  Keep in mind, white space is typically a good thing with ecommerce design.


The most significant content that will influence the consumer must be placed in the same column as the product details.

This is typically the center line in three line layouts and the right line in two line layouts.  Visitors tend to pay more interest to content in the middle column first, left line next, and lastly the third. If there’s something important about a product a consumer needs to see, ensure it’s properly placed to get attention first.


Although not so much a visual design subject, the checkout page of an ecommerce website should be as minimal and simple as possible. There are many online shoppers that change their minds because the checkout process was time consuming, and this is true with brick and mortar stores as well. The less time it takes a visitor from the time they enter your website to the time they’ve completed paying, the more sales you’ll end up with.
JTB Studios are experts when it comes to ecommerce design. To begin development of an effective online store, schedule a consultation today at https://www.jtbstudios.com.au


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